Return to trafficker #3

You are released from the hospital after making up a story to the officer about falling down the stairs and breaking your leg. You claim that no one is hurting you, and you want to be left alone. Your leg has never really healed, but that doesn’t seem to matter. You walk around unaware of most things and feel numb to the pain. One night, the police raid the building, and you are arrested, along with the other women and Colton. They all want to know what has been going on in the house. You tell them you needed money to pay college bills, so you turned to prostitution. College became too overwhelming and then you dropped out to focus on your job. You knew you would make better money here because your grades were never that great and you didn’t think you would ever get a degree to support a decent job. You have rehearsed this answer with Colton, and you do not dare change your story. You know that Colton is nearby and remembering the threats he’s made to you and your family, you tell the officer’s your rehearsed answer.

What happens next?

Flip a coin.

If it lands on heads, go to Police #1.

If it lands on tails, go to Police #2.

Copyright by and used with permission from She’s Somebody’s Daughter.