Police #2
You told the police your rehearsed story of willingly becoming a prostitute and are very careful not to implicate Colton in anything. Even in police custody, you are still terrified of Colton’s threats and influence. Because you admitted to the police that you willingly prostituted yourself, you are charged with prostitution as a third degree misdemeanor. You were tested for HIV, and are grateful the test came back negative, because the officer told you would be charged with a felony if it was positive. You are given the opportunity to call someone, but you are too ashamed and afraid, so you tell them you have no one to contact. Your court date is set, and you are provided with a state attorney. You are offered deals to turn Colton in, but because his threats terrify you, you refuse to offer any information concerning him. The attorney on your case says that because you refused to testify against Colton, your chances of walking away from this, without a record, are slim to none. Unfortunately, your attorney was right. The District Attorney’s office has been determined to shut down all forms of prostitution in their district, and they look to charge the pimps, solicitors, and prostitutes alike. You are found guilty and given the maximum sentence of one year in prison. When you are released, you are now forced to find a job with a record and no one to turn to.
What happens next?
You cannot find a full-time job or sufficient wages with a record.
Out of desperation, you go to the first place you know you can make money.
Go to Strip Club #1. Copyright by
Copyright by and used with permission from She’s Somebody’s Daughter.